
-1 rows


Every time an OCSP check is made for a revocation candidate (that is, a certificate which is using a known-compromised key), a record is made for that attempt in this table. As you might expect, things can get pretty big.

Revocation status is checked on a per-candidate basis, rather than on a notification basis, to ensure that issuers are doing the right thing and revoking all certificates that use a key which they know to be compromised, even if a notification for that specific certificate was not received. This is in line with CABF BR requirements.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id uuid 2147483647 null
revocation_candidate_id uuid 2147483647 null
revocation_candidates.id ocsp_checks_revocation_candidate_id_fkey R
candidate_not_after timestamp 29,6 null

Included purely for partitioning support

started_at timestamp 29,6 null
remote_ip_address inet 2147483647 null

This will be NULL if DNS resolution failed.

http_request_issued_at timestamp 29,6 null
http_response_received_at timestamp 29,6 null
http_status int4 10 null
error text 2147483647 null
ocsp_response_id uuid 2147483647 null

This is technically a foreign key, but table partitioning makes enforcing that problematic

response_validated bool 1 null
ocsp_status int4 10 null
produced_at_time timestamp 29,6 null
cert_status int4 10 null
this_update_time timestamp 29,6 null
next_update_time timestamp 29,6 null
revocation_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null
revocation_reason int4 10 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
ocsp_checks_id_index Performance Asc id
ocsp_checks_revocation_candidate_id_http_request_issued_at_inde Performance Asc/Asc revocation_candidate_id + http_request_issued_at
